Beef Roast in Oven With Onion Soup Mix

Lipton Onion Soup Pot Roast is an piece of cake style to brand a juicy, tender roast in the oven. This old fashioned recipe is great for Lord's day dinner!

Lipton Pot Roast with potatoes and carrots on a plate

Lipton Onion Soup Pot Roast

There are all sorts of neat piffling tricks that people have to add all sorts of rich, succulent season to their favorite pot roasts . Browning, Worcestershire, and soy sauce- chances are, yous've heard them all. What you might non be too familiar with is using some Lipton onion soup mix in your pot roast! This special petty ingredient not just helps make juicy, tender pot roasts only it makes them super flavorful !

Lipton Roast with vegetables in a Dutch Oven

We besides went out of our fashion to brand this pot roast in the oven- while boring cooker pot roasts are super piece of cake and delicious, ovens withal work . Some of us too might non have slow cookers or instant pots on hand- merely I imagine most of you have ovens! Besides, there'south a certain charm to pulling a well-cooked pot roast from the oven- especially when information technology'south one this tasty !

Closeup of roast beef

This oven pot roast recipe is especially piece of cake to make. If you're wondering how to make a tender beef roast in the oven, our instructions hither are the respond you're looking for . So catch your favorite dutch oven and get to cooking! You're going to love making this juicy pot roast in the oven.

Overhead pan shot with text on image Old Fashioned Lipton Pot Roast

More Pot Roast Recipes

There's plenty of other pot roast recipes here on the site you'll want to requite a taste! Here's a couple to try after our roast here.

  • In that location'south nothing quite equally archetype and easy equally Slow Cooker Pot Roast . Our version of this popular recipe yields tender and delicious beefiness that's perfect for tonight'due south dinner !

  • If you're looking for a tasty, fall-apart-tender roast beef recipe that'due south juicy every bit all get-out, cheque out our Slow Cooker Mississippi Pot Roast . Serve over mashed potatoes- no gravy needed, not with all the juices from this astonishing roast!

Plated meat and veggies with text on image Old Fashioned Lipton Pot roast

Ingredients for Onion Soup Roast

  • Roasting Meat – We went with a chuck roast, but yous could endeavour this recipe with any of your favorite roasting meats.

  • Lipton Onion Soup Mix – If you don't accept any of this on hand, nosotros have a Copycat Lipton Onion Soup Mix Recipe you can follow. It uses some spice cabinet ingredients you probably already have on hand!

  • Salt & Pepper

  • Flour

  • Beef Stock

  • Mini Potatoes

  • Carrots

Ingredients for stove top pot roast

How to brand Beef Roast with Onion Soup Mix

While our roast is going to pick upward plenty of flavors during information technology'due south long roast time in the oven, a little salt and pepper will become a long way ! Requite your roast a quick hit of salt and pepper- make sure you pat it in existent well.

Roast with salt and pepper

Additionally, nosotros're going to give our roast a quick coating of flour likewise. This will assist with browning once y'all offset searing it.

Beef Pot Roast dredged in flour

Y'all'll and then want to roast this in a large pan or dutch oven. Make sure to brown it on all sides.

Seared pot roast in a Dutch Oven

Remove your beef roast from your pan but leave any drippings in the pan. We're going to add together some flour to our roast juices here to make a quick roux .

Flour added to grease drippings for roux

Allow that roux to cook for a picayune chip. One time the raw flour smell to cook off and your roux has cooked to a nice, rich brown, you'll want to add together a package of your onion soup mix . If you lot're making a smaller roast, you'll likely want to use just one-half a packet- yous tin use the other half hither in a little chip. Mix that in and allow it to bubble a picayune chip before moving on to the adjacent stride.

Lipton Soup added to roux

Nosotros are going to need some more liquids in the pot for this roast. Stir some stock in gradually , making certain yous're stirring constantly the entire fourth dimension. This is going to make a sort of gravy-like sauce that's going to make our beef roast gustation amazing!

Beef broth being added to onion roux

After letting this sauce come up to a boil, we're finally going to add together our roast dorsum to the party. Put information technology dorsum in your cooking vessel of selection and pinnacle it with an actress packet of our onion soup mix.

Lipton onion soup mix added to the top of pot roast

Now we need to permit our pot roast cook in the oven for a couple of hours. Let your oven warm upwards to 350 degrees earlier endmost up your dutch oven and tossing it in to roast for 2 hours.

Beef pot roast after 2 hours of cooking

Once that initial 2 hours cook time is through, we're going to pull our roast from the oven. Here, you're going to add your veggies to the pot. Once you've added those in, pop your roast back into the oven and permit to cook for an boosted ii hours.

Finished pot roast on a plate with carronts and potatoes

When those last 2 hours are through, your roast is ready to pull from the oven. You're going to want to let information technology absurd for a little fleck before fixing up whatsoever plates- that sauce in at that place is hot! In one case it'due south cooled though, feel free to hack off some beef, grab a few of those veggies, plate up, and enjoy!

Onion Soup Pot Roast

Lipton Onion Soup Pot Roast is an like shooting fish in a barrel way to make a juicy, tender roast in the oven. This old fashioned recipe is bang-up for Sunday dinner!

Course Chief Grade

Cuisine American

Keyword Lipton Onion Soup Pot Roast, Onion Soup Pot Roast, Pot Roast

Prep Time 20 minutes

Cook Time 4 hours 15 minutes

Servings 6 Servings

Calories 556 kcal

  • iii-five lb Chuck Roast
  • 1/4 tsp Table salt
  • 1/2 tsp Black Pepper
  • 1/ii cup Flour divided
  • i-2 packets Lipton Onion Soup Mix
  • 32 oz Beef Stock
  • 1 lb Carrots peeled and cut in sticks
  • i lb small Potatoes cut in half
  • Preheat oven to 350.

  • Salt and pepper all sides of the roast.

  • Put ane/4 cup of flour in a shallow plate and coat roast on all sides.

  • Identify dutch oven on burner over medium high estrus and add together ii tablespoons of vegetable oil.

  • Brownish roast on all sides.

  • Remove roast from pan and set up bated.

  • Add together remaining 1/iv cup flour to drippings and stir to form a roux.

  • Melt roux over medium for two-iii minutes.

  • If cooking a small roast add 1/2 packet of onion soup otherwise use whole packet.

  • Gradually add beef stock while stirring to blend into the roux.

  • Bring sauce to a boil.

  • Remove from heat and add dorsum roast.

  • Top with residual of soup package, if simply half was used before or with a 2d packet if a whole was used before.

  • Cover and cook in oven at 350 for two hours.

  • Add poattoes and carrots to dutch oven and cook and additional 2 hours or until meat is fork tender.

Calories: 556 kcal | Carbohydrates: 30 1000 | Poly peptide: fifty g | Fat: 27 thousand | Saturated Fat: 12 m | Cholesterol: 156 mg | Sodium: 650 mg | Potassium: 1604 mg | Fiber: 4 thou | Sugar: 5 chiliad | Vitamin A: 12659 IU | Vitamin C: 19 mg | Calcium: 85 mg | Fe: vi mg

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Long pin collage with red banner with text Old Fashioned Lipton Pot Roast Perfect for Sunday Dinner

Long pin collage with red banner with text Old Fashioned Lipton Pot Roast Perfect for Sunday Dinner

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