Having Faith Is Believing in Something You Just Know Aint True

TAKING THE MICKEY OUT OF THE SPHERICAL Globe 'Scientific discipline'!

(YOU Accept THE RIGHT TO REMAIN Bullheaded! But whatever y'all read time to come, will be used confronting you in the court of censor). 😉  😛

If you are i of those who express joy out loud the moment yous hear "Apartment EARTH", and so you lot are nothing more than a BLIND BELIEVER – of Greek Mythology based wing of "Mod Science"!!! Then, sober up!

Just imagine this: the same scientists who make you lot believe that massive amounts of water tin can hold itself upwards below a earth earth, with the help of some mysterious energy called "Gravity", makes you lot wonder in disbelief how water would not fall off of a apartment earth!!!! But ask any child what is easier to believe, THAT A FLAT DISC COULD Concur Water ON Information technology OR A ROUND BALL COULD HOLD H2o UNDER Information technology (that mysterious 'ENERGY' notwithstanding)??????!!!!!!!!!


The difference between a "true" scientist and a pretentious one is that, when a true scientist is presented with a merits opposite to his existing conclusions, he would consider information technology seriously and research it sincerely, because a true scientist knows that in that location is a whole lot out at that place that he really does non know!  But a pretentious 'scientist' volition immediately pounce on yous, corruption you verbally and assail you lot personally, trying to belittle you in the promise that your message is also belittled in the process, without realizing that he is actually showcasing the aforementioned insecurities showcased by a blind follower of religion!

I need to say this here: "LACK OF PROOF FOR SOMETHING IS NOT A PROOF IN ITSELF FOR Anything"! And so when a 'scientist' tells you "Its non scientifically proved", it does not hateful "it is not true" (though that is what he expects you to conclude). It only means that it has not been researched or studied withal by those poor Scientists – for lack of ability or possibility!! So, if you dont want to continue as a bullheaded follower of Greek-mythology rooted "mod scientific discipline", so only open your optics and start using your brains (it wont hurt; I promise)!



(Pic: Galileo explaining Jupiter's moons to Cosmic Cardinals. Courtesy: nationalgeographic.org)

"The primeval reliably documented mention of the spherical World concept dates from effectually the 6th century BC when it appeared in ancient Greek philosophy just remained a affair of speculation until the third century BC, whenHellenistic astronomy established the spherical shape of the Earth as a concrete given.

Though the earliest written mention of a spherical Earth comes from ancient Greek sources, there is no business relationship of how the sphericity of the Earth was discovered.  A plausible explanation is that it was "the experience of travellers that suggested such an explanation for the variation in the observable distance and the change in the area of circumpolar stars. A applied demonstration of Earth's sphericity was achieved past Ferdinand Magellan and Juan Sebastián Elcano's expedition's circumnavigation* ( 1519−1522 ).

Early Greek philosophers alluded to a spherical Earth, though with some ambiguity. Pythagoras (6th century BC) was among those said to have originated the thought. Plato (427–347 BC) too taught his students that Earth was a sphere though he offered no justifications. "My confidence is that the Earth is a round body in the center of the heavens, and therefore has no need of air or of any similar force to be a support", he wrote.

Aristotle (384-322 BC) was Plato's prize student and "the mind of the school". Aristotle observed "in that location are starts seen in Egypt and [….] Republic of cyprus, which are not seen in the northerly regions". Since this could but happen on a curved surface, he too 'believed' Globe was a sphere "of no great size" . It was Eratosthenes, a Greek astronomer from Hellenistic Libya (276-194 BC), who estimated Globe's circumference around 240 BC.

From its Greek origins, the idea of a spherical globe, along with much ofGreek astronomical thought, slowly spread across the globe and ultimately became the adopted view in all major astronomical traditions. In the West, the thought came to the Romans through the lengthy process of cross-fertilization withHellenistic civilization". (Data source: Wikipedia)

*Circumnavigation does not necessarily mean effectually a ball or globe. It normally just ways a full lap of a circle. So the fact that they reached back where they started from, in itself, is NOT a proof of a Globe World. Sorry!

Flat & Square Earth


one) The launch of the commencement human-made object to orbit Earth was past the Soviet Matrimony's Sputnik 1, on 4 Oct 1957 , and the first claim to Moon landing was past the American Apollo 11 mission on 20 July 1969 !

2) The earliest known working telescopes appeared in holland in 1608 . Galileo used one of these in 1609. The Ritchey-Chretien variant of Cassegrain reflector was invented around 1910 , and widely adopted but after 1950; many mod telescopes including the Hubble Space Telescope employ this design. (I don't need to mention here that you cannot see the shape of earth with a telescope on the world)!!!

Compare these with the fact that the earliest mention of a spherical Earth dates back to the 6th century BC, and the first attempts to 'scientifically' testify World'south sphericity were fabricated fashion dorsum in 1519−1522!!!! How audaciously stupid, w hen the earliest known telescope appeared merely in 1608 and the first claim to space travel was fabricated only in 1957 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOW CAN There BE Any "Scientific discipline" Backside ANY Endeavour TO Constitute THE SHAPE OF THE EARTH, Before SOMEONE OR SOMETHING COULD ACTUALLY Fly OUT OF THE EARTH'Southward ATMOSPHERE, FAR ENOUGH TO TURN Around AND SEE THE WHOLE Earth??!!! HOW CAN SUCH AN Endeavor Exist ASSERTED Equally A "SCIENTIFIC FACT" WHEN ITS VERY Conspicuously Zip More JUST MYTHOLOGICAL ASSUMPTIONS??!! What 'holier' ground do these 'globe-al' scientists claim to have to enforce their 'blind beliefs' on others as irrefutable "facts"??!!

DEAR Bullheaded FOLLOWERS OF Scientific discipline:

Water Level - Copy.png

The Heliocentric belief of the Solar Organisation was NOT based on any 'scientific' evidences, in the first place, merely was purported by the Greeks who worshiped the sun god HELIO and wanted to make people accept the Dominicus as the center of information technology all, with everything else just revolving around it! This conventionalities was later embraced past the Romans, integrated into their official religion, Christianity, and taught around the world through their educational institutes!

It is very clear from the above Facts that the sphericity of the earth was not theorized based on any 'scientific' prove just simply on the mythological beliefs of the Greek. It need not be highlighted here that even in 2017 Advert, in that location are no REAL, solid evidences of a globe earth, apart from that 1 nicely Photoshoped image of a world in perfect circumvolve,showing an out of proportion continent of Africa and a rich blue ocean, when even an amateur photographer would have taken atleast 100 Hd shots each day!! A total disaster for a theory purported way back in the sixth Century BC!!!


A reader by the name "Whatever never curves?" said: "Guessing you lot've never heard of the term 'meniscus' then! This article is a joke."


(Moving picture source: http://www.sciencesource.com)

My Unproblematic Response to him/her (or other) was: "Meniscus (curvature caused by surface tension) can happen only when water is covered on all sides with a 'wall' . Such curvature remains thus equally long every bit it is nether pressure level (in this case, land). You are reiterating my indicate, my friend!!! Still Blind, huh??"


Many people ask, if the earth was flat, wont we all simply fall off the edge? Well, that question arises because of the misconception about how the border is.

Ice Wall.jpg

(You can also check out  this comparing: https://wordpress.com/read/blogs/33803222/posts/230)

Recently, the mission to search for the mysteriously missing MH370 was called off citing that the expanse of the Ocean being searched was too vast and dangerous. With all the modern technology that we posses, this earth is still vast and unreachable!

Do you lot know that individuals are not allowed to become to "South Pole"? You lot need permission from the military (of few countries) that controls the expanse. Why is the South Pole so protected and secretive?

falling off edge.png


Once i asked a well-educated relative of mine, how a helicopter that is static for a few minutes in midair on a sure Latitude-Longitude position, remains in the same position inspite of the World below it travelling at a tremendous speed. I was told (what is a normally quoted 'proof' – again theoretical – and this one is super imaginary!) that the atmospheric force per unit area pushes the helicopter along with the World!!!! And who exactly has calculated that pressure? Remember, the pressure should exist and so potent, that it should push a 30,000 kilo copter smoothly above the earth, while allowing birds, weighing merely a 1 or 2 kilos, to casually fly through it!!

heliopter bird

You need more faith to believe in the Globe Earth mythology than in existence of God!

Another interesting, infact miraculous thing that has sadly gone unnoticed is how this mysterious twin energy of Gravity manages to defy laws of physics to assistance keep the mythology alive!

An helicopter on an boilerplate travels 5kms/minute. Say a chopper starts off from Point A and travels 5kms to reach bespeak B in 1 mnt. With the Earth rotating at 1800kms/mnt, Point B should have travelled 1700 odd kms away from where the chopper would have reached in one minute!!!

helicopter fig 1

Whatsoever happens to the mysterious "atmospheric force per unit area" when an helicopter moves (at 5km/mnt) along with the globe's rotation (at 1800km/mnt)?! Even MORE WONDERFUL IS THE FAITH NEEDED TO BLINDLY BELIEVE WHAT THIS MYSTERIOUS Pressure WOULD DO IF Ii CHOPPERS WERE TO MOVE IN Reverse DIRECTIONS WHILE PASSING By EACH OTHER, WHILE A 3rd One REMAINS STATIC Right INBETWEEN THEM!!!! I WOULD CRAWL ON MY Belly TO Whatever Terminate OF THE World TO Run into THIS SCIENTIFICALLY MEASURED AND PROVED. But Driblet ME A COMMENT BELOW, WHEN YOU ARE Gear up.

When a Muslim Cleric once wondered how, when the World rotates at such speed, that yous cannot but stay static in the air for some time and land in a dissimilar identify, he was verbally lynched past blind Science believers. People attacked his religious beliefs and mental condition. But no i tried to evidence him incorrect. They all banked on some imaginary, unquestionable, supposed proofs provided to them but theoretically, which they accept to blindly accept and believe to exist not called names themselves.

If someone comes to me and says that ii + 2 = five, then i would ask the person to hold out two fingers from each hand, and make the person count fingers on each hand and then brand him count them together, proving that two + ii = four. I should be a greater fool than the person to viciously assault the person's individuality for querying virtually a possibility! As i have mentioned in the beginning, such hyper attacks are unremarkably unleashed by religious fanatics; people who blindly believe in something they are themselves not very sure most. Because, those who know why they believe what they believe, will calmly share the bachelor details as proof (which i am doing now here)!


Flight 'Higher up' THE SOUTH POLE

Once a Scientists friend of mine started arguing with me near the shape of the earth, obviously defending its 'globeness'. I told him to do a modest experiment and get dorsum to me. He hasnt got back about the experiment yet! All i asked him to practise was to accept a 'Earth' and identify a miniature airplane on NZ and fly the aeroplane over the South Pole towards Argentina. I asked him to pause when the Plane is right 'above' the Pole and just check the position of the Plane. Scientists would immediately say that considering of gravity we wont feel nosotros are upside downward. But the Wise would note that i had not mentioned nearly people inside the Plane….


…I just wanted yous to note the position of the Aeroplane!!!!Can a rider aircraft wing upside down for and then long, without any technical problems???

Whats more funny is that fact that even well educated people chop-chop add that considering of the size of the world, we will not experience upside down. The question is non what we feel. The question is, what is the position of the aircraft at Equator and South Pole? No matter how big the Earth, at some point the plane has to be totally vertical and totally upside down. Retrieve, THE Globe DOES Non ROTATE DOWNSIDE UP!! 😀

Globe size & Plane position.png


The World, they say, rotates at a tremendous speed of 30kms/sec! It is claimed that we cannot feel that speed because we are inside a huge earth.

What is sad is that no one dares counter question such lame, thoughtless, silly, totally imaginary (hope it saves my theory) kind of excuse! When you insist for some kind of back up proof, they take the case of how nosotros tin exist inside a fast moving plane and non know that we are moving at all! Again, very convincing, if we don't prod further.

No one seems to have asked them what happens if someone jumps up in a fast moving aeroplane and lands dorsum in few seconds. Would the person state where he jumped up from, or he lands a few feet backside? If Aye, why??

If that is a fact, how come then that the same affair never happens when you spring upward on the earth? Why would the size of the World matter in this experiment? Because, inspite of how big or small-scale the airplane is, any person jumping up and landing back in few seconds, would land a few feet behind, without neglect!

Flying PATH AND FLAT Globe

1 of the about easiest ways to understand that the Globe IS Flat (apart from the fact that a Plane CANT fly upside downwards), is to look at bodily Flying Paths.

Plane enthusiast Alan Meloy of Sheffield, Uk, spotted American Airforce ane flying over Yorkshire, while on a summit secret trip with United states of america President Donald Trump, from Washington DC to Iraq.

Since pics can speak a one thousand words, only look at the pics below:

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800px-Physical_world_map_in_Hellerick_triaxial_boreal_projection_-_shallow - Copy.jpg

Sighhhhh!!!!!!! And if y'all thought that is enough proof….

DID NASA Self Expose THE Earth Earth LIE?!

WhatsApp Image 2020-07-01 at 9.27.47 PM.jpeg

It claims that it "has been watching the Sun Non Cease for over a full decade. While orbiting effectually the Earth" !! 😀


For years now, poor Scientists are throwing around the same World Earth motion-picture show that even NASA uses.

NASA's Earth

Though they acknowledge in hush, hush tones, that this picture is digitally generated and modified, the fact that it shows a perfect circumvolve itself is proof that either their theory of an oval / spheroid (cull what you lot like) earth is wrong, or the picture aint Existent!

Encounter the size of the Due south American continent in this pic. Those who accept flown in aeroplanes and have looked down would take seen how small the state looks even at 30k anxiety high. So which every camera the above pic is taken with aint more than than a 100 odd kms abroad from the world. But the event that seemed to have been overlooked hither is that from THAT distance (whichever it is), the whole world CANNOT be seen!!

Below is the motion-picture show of the Earth, taken from a U2 Spy Airplane, that flies at a summit of above 20kms from Earth:

Earth from spy plane

They then fool the public past showing existent images of Earth taken from Satellites and trying to subtly pass it on as part of the famous Globe Globe prototype. But blind believers of Science do not take the trouble to see that the real images of Earth evidence only a very small office of the globe and is taken from very close to the earth (compared to the mysterious camera that had taken the whole globe pic).

NASA ISS Earth pic

Very few realise that "Space" starts just 100kms from higher up the Earth's surface. The ISS space station is situated at around 400kms to a higher place the Globe. While the Moon is supposedly 3,84,400 kms above the Earth. They brand such a hue and cry for simply going to the ISS and come up back (which supposedly only takes iv hours or then – travel time) and yet they desire us to believe that Moon Walk is actually a Block Walk for them!!

atmosphere radius map


Before i get out the globe-earthers apartment, let me accost i major 'proof' these bullheaded globe-believers keep throwing at y'all… they say that since the Lord's day, Moon and the other Planets that you can see are Round, the earth should also exist ROUND! Well, i autumn flat at the feet of such 'scientific' proofs. It leaves me numb with its depth of idea! Sighhh!!!


Only accept a expert wait at this motion picture. To say that the earth should also exist round because the planets around it are round, is like proverb that the Christmas Tree should be circular because all the balls hanging around it are round!! (Even a five year old will cry in shame at such logic)! 😀 😀

Fifty-fifty otherwise, are the stars that we see in the night, round? Are the asteroids and comets that fly by the world, round? Dont they zoom through the space inspite of their irregular shape?? More interestingly, are the Sunday and Moon spherical or oval in shape?????? And so whats the big deal with the shape???

Exist Aware: The Earth IS the centre of this planetary grouping. The Sunday and Moon are made for the earth, to circumduct over information technology to manipulate seasons. And the Planets are made to revolve around the globe to influence its electro-magnetic fields. Hence the round shape to enhance their motion.


Globe and Gravity Fig.png

(I am seriously loving this childish concept of globe globe!!! It sure is a lot more than fun than the Apartment earth)!!!! 😀 😀


In the book of Job 38:11-14, information technology is written that the dayspring is caused to know its place and so it can have hold of the ends of the earth and that the ends of the earth, is turned as clay to the seal! The Hebrew give-and-take "chotham" used there for "seal" means "signature seal" or "signet" used by kings or government.

And so THAT, my love 'believers', is the real shape of the Earth!


Pic 1 – A Signet Seal (Courtesy: workersforjesus.com)

In the book of Isaiah 40:22  it says, "It is he that sitteth upon the circumvolve of the globe ". The Hebrew word used here for "circle" is "chûg" and means "a circle, circuit, compassive ". This is not the same word used to refer a globe or a brawl. In chapter 22:eighteen of the same book it is written, "He volition surely violently turn and toss thee similar a ball". The Hebrew give-and-take for "ball" hither is "dûr" and means "a circle, ball or pile: –  turn, round about".


Moving picture 2 – A Flat Earth model (Courtesy: aplanetruth.info)


Job 26:7 – "He stretcheth out the due north over the empty place, and hangeth the globe upon nothing.ten He hath compassed the waters with bounds , until the solar day and nighttime come to an end".  "Until the mean solar day and night come to an cease" could also mean that 'where the day and nighttime comes to an stop'. In other words, Day and Night, caused by the rotation of the Sunday above the circle of the globe, is express inside the "bounds (walls of ice)" placed around the earth.Interestingly, the Bible DOES NOT talk near the South Pole!!!

NOTE: I am Non a blind believer of Any organized religion, including Christianity. My other Blogs prove the same.

leonardo da vinci.png

I promise by at present yous would have realised that Modern Scientific discipline (in General and Globe Earth belief in item) is just another Religion that has its roots in Greek Mythology; Camouflaged as anti-religious, only to entrap the blind and the gullible.


Yours De Flat eD

Abraham Jos

  • A very skilful explanation of the FLAT World by D Murphy (1hr Video):

  • Another useful site: http://barnabasnagy.com/weblog/apartment-earth-a-circle-apartment-deejay-non-a-globe-bible-verses-empirical-testify


Source: https://mindblastingabraham.wordpress.com/2017/06/14/the-flat-earth-logic/

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